Enhance current Serial support and add support for all Bluetooth and USB InterWrite Interactive Meeting/School Boards and Pads for both and XFree86 Linux systems.
This driver provides a means of communication between InterWrite Interactive Products and the X Server. Communication to the X Server is in the form of mouse events. The driver will support both relative and absolute positioning.
Bluetooth support will utilize the BlueZ Bluetooth Stack.
Included with the driver is a java program called “IWLCalibrate.” This program allows for calibration of InterWrite Whiteboards running in Interactive Mode with a video projector.
Project Goals
Immediate Goal: Add support for InterWrite Bluetooth (BlueZ Bluetooth Stack Protocol) and USB products.
Longterm Goal: Create a GUI (QT) Device Manager similar to the InterWrite Windows Device Manager , which will manage all connected InterWrite products.
Functional Specification - GTCO CalComp IW Linux Open Source FS.pdf
Installation Instructions – xIWLinux_driver_installation.pdf
Compilation Instructions - xIWLinux_driver_compilation.pdf
iwld v1.01 - iwld_1.01.tar.bz2
IWCalibrate without jvm - IWLCalibrate.tar.bz2
IWCalibrate with jvm 1.4 - IWLCalibrate_jvm1_4.tar.bz2
Important Links
BlueZ (Linux Bluetooth Stack Protocol)